Welcome to the Source Digital API

Are you a developer looking for documentation? Try our Open API (Swagger) documentation.

You won't be able to write, email, upload or do ecommerce transactions without first obtaining an API Key.

Getting an API Key

Want to kick the tires or develop an app? You can start using the public API for free right now!

Want to make money or otherwise monetize? Create an account and get access to the soucre of modern media!

Embedding an experience in your app

You can embed a source experience inside of any web-based UI as easy as 1..2..that's it:

Step 1

Inject the source experience into your page

<script src="https://cdn.sourcesync.io/v1.0.0/experience/app.js" />

Step 2

Tag the element you want the experience to render into. The experience will stay within the bounds of that element.

<div data-sd-experience="BaXCvUx87bg"></div>

For more help getting started, check out: